Kurasa Zinazohusiana

Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority-TAWA

Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA) under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism is an autonomous public institution that was established by the Wildlife Conservation (The Tanzania Wildlife Management…

Soma Zaidi

Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA)

Official site with news, photos and information about each of the 14 parks including accommodations, regulations and park fees. Tanzania National parks (TANAPA) is a Parastatal Organization whose mandate is to manage…

Soma Zaidi
Ministry of Natural Resource and Toursim

Tanzania Forest Fund (TFF)

Tanzania Forest Fund is a Conservation Trust Fund established as a mechanism to provide long term reliable and sustainable financial support to forest

Soma Zaidi
Ministry of Natural Resource and Toursim

Ministry of Natural Resource and Toursim (MNRT)

Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism of United Republic of Tanzania, is the Ministry responsible for management of Natural, Cultural and Tourism resources. Tanzania has a great potential for natural resources,…

Soma Zaidi

Tanzania Forest Conservation Group

The Tanzania Forest Conservation Group is a team of professional foresters, biologists and communicators determined to improve the way Tanzania's forests are managed and to support the livelihoods of those living…

Soma Zaidi

Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI)

The Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI) is a National Institution which was established by Act No. 5 of 1980. Its Manadet is to conduct, co-ordinate and promote the carrying out of Forestry Research as…

Soma Zaidi