
Lebbajumbe National Bee Reserve

Lebbajumbe Bee Reserve is one of National Bee Reserves in the country established and declared through a Government Notice (G.N.) number 289 of 26 March, 2021 owned by the Central Government under care of Tanzania Forest Services Agency.

Location and legal status

This reserve is found in Chemba district in Dodoma region. Chemba district lies between 5° 14′ 34″ S and 35° 53′ 24″ E with general altitude ranging from 1200 to 1500 meters above sea level. Lebbajumbe National Bee Reserve (LNBR) lies between 747082 and 742139 Easting and between 9404786 and 9400859 Northings coordinates. There is reserve survey map Job No JB 2935 of 2019. It is at a distance of about 134 km from Kondoa town Southwest and about 94 km from Chemba town westwards. Means to reach Lebbajumbe national reserve is by rough road via Kwamtoro village (division). The Bee Reserve is bordered by Sanzawa village at it's East side, Bilise village in the Southwest, Baaba village at its  North and village forest reserve of Bilise Southwards.

LNBR area is 1368.3 Ha (13.683 Km2) and a boundary length of 14.415 Km.


Lebbajumbe National Bee Reserve has three types of vegetation that ranges from wooded grasslands, bushes and shrubs that possess an immeasurable significance in conservation of biodiversity. This vegetation presents a complex interspersion of cover type and a huge variety of plant species. Throughout most of Lebbajumbe bee reserve undercover vegetation form complex irregular trees, shrubs and herbs. More over this reserve area is dominated by Acacia woodland and dense thickets of various species. The presence of various species of acacia and shrubs has great influence on bees and beekeeping thus making establishment of Bee Reserve crucial to this area.

Dominant tree species for Lebbajumbe include but not limited to Acacia tortillis, Albizia spp (Rain tree), Pyracantha koidzumii (Formosanfire thorn tree), Vitex doniana (Black plums), Antidesma ghaesembilla (Blackcurrant tree) and Cassia abbreviate Oliv. Shrubs cover is dominated by Acacia Senegal (Gum Arabic tree), Pseudoprosopsis fischer (Ndarambwe), Euonymus japonicus, Ximenia Americana L. (Tollaw wood) and Dalbegia lanceolaria. The herb cover is dominated by Bidens tripartita L. and Commelina erecta. Vegetation mentioned above provide shelter to small mammals, birds, reptiles and insects.

Most of these plant species produce flowers which secrete nectar and others produce pollen or both nectar and pollen. This makes such area potential for beekeeping as one of key economic activities.


Communities surrounding this reserve predominantly belongs to Sandawe and Gogo ethnics engaging in livestock keeping, agriculture, poultry and beekeeping to carter for their livelihood. Originally the Sandawe were hunters and gatherers for their subsistence. 

Vegetation in Lebbajumbe Bee reserve and its surroundings gives opportunities to scholars and students to learn and carry out researches as well as sites to demonstrate on beekeeping matters to local communities and public members at large.