
North Ruvu

The North Ruvu Forest Reserve is located in Kibaha and Bagamoyo districts, Coast region. The altitude ranges between 134 -900 m.a.s.l (a.s.l); Latitudes between (6049’ and 7003’) South; and Longitudes (380 43’and 39002’) East. Rainfall ranges 600 mm to 1000 mm annually, while temperature is between 20oC to 30oC. The plantation is located 60 km West of Dar es Salaam. The North Ruvu forest plantation covers a total area of 31,930 ha (20,000 ha for plantation and 11,930 ha as natural forest) covering Kibaha and Bagamoyo districts both in Pwani Region.The Forest Reserve was gazetted under Government Notice No.128 of 1978.

Several tree planting trials were made during Ruvu Fuelwood Project before establishing a forest plantation in 2015.

The North Ruvu Forest Reserve (NRFR) is one of the Coastal natural forests with high biodiversity. The indigenous tree species include Albizia petersiana, Dalbergia melanoxylon, Dichrostacys cinerea, Julbernadia spp, Brachystegia spp, Diopyros consulatae. It also harbours baboon, monkeys, rabbit, rodents, diversities of snakes and wild pigs

For easy management, the forest plantaion is divided into three ranges, namely, Changedere, Mwakonga and Kidimu. The plantaion is planted with the following tree species: Eucalyptus tereticonis, Acacia mangium, Tectona grandis, Bamboo spp., Dendrocalamus aspar, Dendrocalmus cv. Grandis, and Eucalyptus GC (Hybrid). It is the only forest plantation in Tanzania where bamboo species are grown in a plantation.



Plantation Manager,

North Ruvu Forest Plantation

P.O.Box 30072

