

The Longuza Forest Reserve was gazetted in the Government Notice No. 194 of 1954 and shown on the map JB no 972.

Longuza Forest Plantation is located in the North Eastern part of Tanzania between latitudes 4055’ and 5010’ South and Longitudes 380 40’ and 390 00’ East. Also Longuza Forest Reserve lays between altitudes 160 and 560 meters above sea level (m. a. s. l.). The Plantation headquarters is located on foothills of Eastern Usambara Mountains close to Amani Nature Reserve and about about 52 km away from Tanga City.

Longuza Teak Plantation started as a trial during colonial period by the Germans in 1905. Later on, the Government of Tanzania scaled up planting of teak trees. By 2018, the plantation had about 2,034 ha planted with various hardwood species namely; Tectona grandis (96%), Terminalia spp (1%), Cedrela spp (1%) and Melicia excelsa (1%) and other species like Senna siamea, Eucalyptus sp and Casuarina spp are accounting 1%.

At present Longuza Forest Plantation has a total area of 3,372.31 ha, out of which 2,340 ha plantation forest and 1032 ha is natural forests. The Plantation is administratively divided into four management blocks which are;
•    Longuza/Bulwa block 1,542 ha,
•    Kihuhwi Sigi block 921 ha,
•    Kihuhwi/Kwamsambia block 606 ha, and
•    Kolekole block 303 ha.

Furthermore, the biodiversity of the natural forests includes tree species such as Khaya anthotheca, Melicia excelsa, Antiaris toxicaria, Steculia appendiculata, and Bombax rhodognalophalon. On the other hand the faunal composition including Birds, insects (butterflies) and mammals such as; Colobus, olive and blue Sykes monkeys, baboons, rodents, tortoises, alligators, monitor lizards, mongoose, civet cats, skunks.

Plantation Manager,
Longuza  Forest Plantation,
P.o Box . 190
Email: longuza@tfs.go.tz