
North Kilimanjaro

North Kilimanjaro Forest  plantation is located in Rombo district, Kilimanjaro Region between Latitudes 3º05’ and 3º15’ South and Longitudes 37º 15’ and 420 00’ East. It lies on the lower northern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro Forest Reserve at altitudes between 1800 and 2250 m. a. s. l. To the Eastern side it borders small town of Tarakea and Usseri and western side borders Longido and Monduli distrcts. It is about 120 km from Moshi Town. The climate has four distinguishable seasons namely the hot dry season (January-February), the hot wet season (March-May; November-December), the cold dry season (June-August) and the hot windy season (September-October
Temperatures indicate minimum annual averages between 4ºC - 10ºC (June-August) and maximum at18ºC - 32ºC (Sept – October).

The total area of North Kilimanjaro Forest plantation is 8,069 ha, being managed as  Plantation area (6596.3 ha), Natural forest (504.7 ha), and fire lines and buffer zones (968 ha). The Forest Reserve has a high catchment value since several rivers flow through the forest plantation such as Kimengelia, Nalemuru, Kikelelwa, Tarakea, Kamwanga and Lolarashi. In natural forests, indigenous tree species of Olea africana, Juniperus procera and Acacia spp. Podocarpus gracilior, Fagaropsis angolensis, and Hagenia abyssinica. Others include Solanum spp., Leonotis nepetifolia., Lantana sp., Vernonia spp which are mostly found in open and bushy areas. The plantation is planted with Pinus patula, Cupressus lusitanica, Grevillea robusta, Pinus radiata, Juniperus procera Cedrella odorata and Eucalyptus grandis. Pinus patula is the most dominating species by area for trees with age between 6 and >25 years, covering about 68% of the total area

The Forest Reserve is rich in biodiversity especially along river valleys in connection with Kilimanjaro National Park (KINAPA) and Amboseli National Park in Kenya of which forms animal corridor between the two parks. The fauna species include Birds, insects and mammals such as Colobus, blue monkeys, waterbucks, buffalos and antelopes.

There are two nature trails for Mount Kilimanjaro which are currently used by Mount Kilimanjaro climbers. The beauty of the area attract many Mt. climbers, hiking in the forest, motor biking, cycling and camping in the forest. There is a wildlife corridor which facilitates wildlife movement between Mt. Kilimanjaro National Park (Tanzania) and Amboseli Game Reserve (Kenya). North Kilimanjaro Forest Plantation has sites that provide good view of Mt Kilimanjaro with its cones of Kibo and Mawenzi.


Plantation Manager,
North Kilimanjaro Forest Plantation,
P.o Box . 40
Email: northkili@tfs.go.tz