

Shume Forest plantation is located in the Western part of Usambara Mountains in Lushoto district, Tanga region. It was gazetted through the Government Notice No. 417 of 6th September 1963 and shown on map JB No. 517. Part of this Forest Reserve has been gazetted to be Magamba Forest Nature Reserve. The topography of this land is undulating ,with elevation ranging between 1650 and 2120 m.a.s.l.

The total plantation covers about 4,862 hectares and is divided into four plantation blocks, namely, Shume West (809 ha), Shume East (2,310 ha), Shagayu (815 ha) and Magamba block (928 ha). Magamba block is located about 10 km, North of Lushoto township and Shume Block about 27 km, North of Lushoto township along Magamba –Gologolo road, while Shagayu Block is situated about 25 km from Shume.

Tree planting at Shume plantation started during British colonial period, whereby Cedar and other softwood species including Cupressus lustanica, Pinus patula and Pinus radita through taungya sytem.

Seedlings at Shume nursey
Indigenous tree species which are found in the remaining natural forests include Ocotea usambarensis, Juniperus procera, Podocarpus usambarensis and Podocurpus pensiculy and dense undergrowth of Lansthus cirumilee and other shrubs. Others include, associated tree species of Ficalhoa, Pygium, Rapanea, Fagaropsis and Cassipourea spp. Thickets consisting Fuclea, Teclea and Catha. Also, different fauna species are found in this plantation such as chameleons, lizards, snakes, colubus monkeys, baboons, rock rabbits, etc.

Moreover, within the plantation area there are both annual and perennial streams. The Shume Block forms part of the Mkusu watershed that drains into the Mkomazi River. Some perennial streams at Shagayu block form parts of the watershed which drain into Umba River to the East and the Ruvu River to the West.


For further information please contact:

Shume Forest Plantation Manager,
P. O. Box 60,
E-mail: shume@tfs.go.tz