

Ukaguru Forest Plantation  is located within the Millindo  Forest Reserve in the Northern end of Ukaguru Mountain Range (Rubeho Mountain System) in Gairo District Morogoro Region. The forest lies between latitude 3608’E-370E South and longitudes 60’S to 605’S East. The forest is accessed by two routes, one from Mvumi junction to plantation station (52km) another from forest station to Gairo (Morogoro-Dodoma Highway) via Rubeho (42km).

The Plantation was established  in 1956 by   Government Notice (GN) No. 64 with  total area of 2153 Ha. The plantation is divided into two (2) range, the range are mostly named based on the name of the vicinity village or on the certain historical  events . This give Trial Plot (TP) Range and Mandege Range.

The idea of establishing large scale softwood project was first initiated in late fifties (1950s) after the research showed that Cupressus lustanica, Pinus patula and P. caribaea would perform better in lower altitude . The first plantation of 1700 Ha was planted  in 1954.
The main species which are planted include Cupressus lustanica, C.Pinus patula, and P. caribaea in the lower elevation. Moreover afforestation has been concentrated and limited to grassland areas with P. Patula in Mandege range and P. caribaea in TP range.

Geographically the area is mountainous with steep valleys at an altitude ranging from 1,160 - 1,500 m above sea level. It is also characterized by cool and alternating hot seasons. The area receives about 1,300 mm of rainfall per year. A closed natural forest surrounds the plantation  in all sides except a stretch in the North - Eastern to South - Eastern parts where there is open wooded grassland.

15m high waterfall found in the plantation create beautiful view with green vines and lush green from plantation trees blooming from well naturally architecture designed landscapes. The waterfalls are potential  source of hydro-power and it  collect its water from eight different tributaries, the falls capacitated from the surrounding natural forest.


Plantation Manager,
Ukaguru Forest Plantation,
P.o Box . 2
Email: ukaguru@tfs.go.tz