News and Events

Mhe. Mpango atoa maelekezo 10 ya kuboresha Sekta ya Nyuki, apongeza Wizara ya Maliasil

Na John Mapepele. Makamu wa Rais wa Jamhuri ya muungano wa Tanzania, Mhe. Dkt. Philip Isdor Mpango ametoa maelekezo kumi yatasaidia kuimarisha sekta ya nyuki ili iweze kuchangia mapato ya Serikali na kwenye uchumi…

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Hon. Shamata Shaame Khamis, the Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation, Natural Resources, and Livestock for the Government of Zanzibar

African Forest and Wildlife Commission Closes Successful the AFWC24

Arusha, Tanzania, November 3, 2023 - The 24th Session of the African Forest and Wildlife Commission and the 8th African Forest and Wildlife Week, held at the Gran Melia Hotel in Arusha, Tanzania, concluded today, November…

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The new Chair of the Commission on Forests and Wildlife in Africa (AFWC24), Prof Dos Santos Silayo

Tanzania Seizes the Opportunity to Chair the African Wildlife Commission

Summary: Tanzania has been chosen to host the office of the 24th Commission on Forests and Wildlife of Africa (AFWC24) for a two-year term, spanning from 2023 to 2025. Arusha. The new Chair of the Commission on…

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TFS Launches Implementation of the Natural Forests Conservation Enhancement Project

Arusha: The Head of Olmotonyi Forestry College, Dr. Joseph Makero, inaugurated a Project Inception Workshop of experts today on the "Enhancing Resilience of Forests Biodiversity against the threats of Climate Change…

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Wahifadhi wa hifadhi tisa za mazingira asilia ya Mlima Hanang, Nou na Hasama mkoani Manyara, Pindiro, Rondo (Lindi), Uzigua na Pugu Kazimzumbwi (Pwani), Essimingor (Arusha) na Mwambesi mkoani Ruvuma wakiwamradi katika picha ya pamoja na mgeni rasmi


Mkuu wa Chuo cha Misitu Olmotonyi, Dkt. Joseph Makero amefungua kikao cha awali cha wataalam kuhusu mradi wa "Kuimarisha Ustahimilivu wa Bioanuai ya Misitu ya Mazingira Asilia Tanzania Dhidi ya Athari za Mabadiliko…

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Tanzania to host World Congress of Beekeepers,2027

Tanzania has been selected to host the World Congress of Beekeepers which is expected to be on the 20th to 25th September 2027.   This was revealed on Friday night in Chile where the congress is taking place…

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