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Tanzania to host World Congress of Beekeepers,2027

Tanzania has been selected to host the World Congress of Beekeepers which is expected to be on the 20th to 25th September 2027.
This was revealed on Friday night in Chile where the congress is taking place after the East African country made it to the final round with United Arab Emirates (UAE) before being declared the winner.
At the well-attended event, a Tanzanian delegation was led by Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Commissioner Benedict Wakulyamba.
Other participants from Tanzania were Tanzania Forest Service Agency (TFS) Conservation Commissioner, Prof Dos Santos Silayo and the Director of the Department of Forests and Bees in the Ministry of Tourism and Natural Resources, Dr Deusdedit Bwoyo.
The event organized by the International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations (APIMONDIA) aims at facilitating the exchange of information and discussions by organizing Congresses and Symposia where beekeepers, scientists, honey-traders, agents for development, technicians and legislators meet to listen, discuss and learn from one another.
Tanzania won the opportunity because its beekeepers have perfected the art of honey harvesting, employing techniques that not only ensure a bountiful harvest but also prioritize the well-being of their industrious bees by having a Gentle Approach: Smoke and Selective Hive Opening and Balancing Harvest and Bee Health.
Other reasons for this success is the ability of hive management, beekeeping training and education, beehive construction, cultivating harmony where beekeepers and conservationists unite for a greener Tanzania.