About TFS

Organizational Structure

The Conservation Commissioner, Deputy Conservation Commissioner and Heads of Units will constitute the Management Team of the Agency. The Deputy Conservation Commissioner are assisted by a number of Senior Assistant Conservation Commissioner. The number and responsibilities of Deputy Conservation Commissioner and Senior Assistant Conservation Commissioner may be reviewed periodically according to the business needs of the Agency.

The head of the TFS is Conservation Commissioner (CC) who is responsible for the operation of the Agency and exercise statutory powers as vested in him under the following legislation:

  • Executive Agencies Act Cap. 245 (Revised Edition 2009);
  • Forest Act No. 14 of 2002; and
  • Beekeeping Act No.15 of 2002.

The TFS Chief Executive assisted by;

  • 4 Deputy Conservation Commissioners
  • 4 Heads of Units
  • 7 Zonal Commanders

The TFS Head Quarters will be responsible for providing Zonal offices with technical and professional support, establishing standards, systems and procedures for resources management, utilization, capacity building, coordinating the Agency’s technical services, monitoring and evaluating the performance of field operations. All operational matters of the Agency will be handled in the Zones, and that the Head Quarters will deal with strategic management issues.
The Legal Services Unit will comprise legal secretariat, surveillance and intelligence. However staff performing surveillance and intelligence functions shall as well be represented in the zones, work throughout the country and shall report directly to the Head of the Unit at HQ – who shall also report directly to the Conservation Commissioner.
The Conservation Commissioner may make changes to the organisational structure of TFS as may be considered necessary to maintain and improve the efficiency and overall performance within the policy framework, available resources and the delegations as outlined in this document.

Organizational Structure

Zonal Organizational Structure