
Experience shows that without comprehensive investment strategies which provide clear and well guided investment activities, the agency will struggle to achieve its high potential in terms of economic growth without success. In this regard there is a need to address the increasing demand for financial and technical resources compared to available public resources needed to develop activities suitable for investment. This will be achieved by inviting public, private and individuals to join hands to join TFS initiatives in harnessing the vast opportunities in the forests, beekeeping and ecotourism potentials.

TFS manages 463 National Forest Reserves, 6 bee reserves and 3 bee farms and 6 Cultural and Heritage sites in Tanzania. The Forests include 23 Nature Forest Reserves/Forest Reserves and 24 Plantation Forests all with great environmental potential for provision of forest based raw materials as well as bee products together with features and aesthetic values potential for outdoor recreation and ecotourism. 

The Agency invites interested partners therefore in order to creates an avenue for other alternative sources of revenue and income generation and emphasize the need for balancing short, medium and long term investments. In this regard, sustainable management of the agency long-term investments should be shouldered by projects which will yield the returns on investments. 

TFS offers various investment opportunities related to establishment and operation of wood and bamboo processing industries, resin tapping and the new venture in the carbon trading business. Furthermore establishment of beekeeping value addition and processing & packaging industries is one among the vast gap that is yet untapped. There are large number of forests offers ecotourism potentials hence there are opportunities for development, operation and management of tourism facilities in form of eco-lodges, tented camps, cottages, restaurants Top Tree Cabin Houses, cable car, zip line and Hot Air Balloon Safari. Other opportunities available include operation and management of the existing and fully developed tourism facilities such as rest houses, hostels and camping sites. 

All investment projects will be guided by the Investment policy in the preparation of plans and proposals. Each proposal will be subjected to investment criteria in order to determine its potential and viability in form of returns in a balanced manner. The intervention invites the participation of various stakeholders through varied ventures and concession arrangements.