Resources Management
Tanzania Forest Services Agency manages nine (9) National Bee Reserves (NBRs) and two (2) Bee Farms with approximated total area of 36,000 ha. The Agency owns 166 bee apiaries located in Forest Plantations, Village Lands, Forest Reserves and Bee Reserves (the proposed Kilinga Forest, Aghondi and Msemembo bee reserve in Manyoni Districts, Maganze Mzaree, Lebba Jumbe, Mialo kwa Mtoro and Songolo at Nyandakame Beekeeping Center in Chemba District, others are Kipembawe Bee Reserve in Chunya District, Kang’ata, Kwenyenyunga Magiri Bee Reserve in Handeni District, Kamba and Sambu Bee Reserves in Kilindi District and Mziha Bee Reserve in Mvomero District.
High potential in beekeeping is also found in agricultural land where substantial for the bee products can be harvested from the agricultural crops e.g. Sunflower, green beans, coffee, coconuts and sisal, the mangrove forest the mainland Tanzania which covers about 115,500ha are also available as bee forage.