

Biharamulo Forest Plantation is established on the Biharamulo-Kahama Forest Reserve (FR) which was gazetted in 1954 through Government Notice (GN) No. 292 and map JB No. 200, which underwent variation to GN No. 311 in 1959. The Forest Reserve has total area of 134,680 ha and a boundary distance of 254 km. It extends to two regions of Geita and Kagera in Chato, Bukombe and Biharamulo districts

The reserve is the major source of water to Nyambale, Bizi, Nyalwambu, Kagogo, Kayanza, Mtundu, Kahogo, Mlera, Viyonza, Muhama, Kabwibwizi,Munekezi, Nabuyelu, Kabohelele and Kasinge rivers which all drain in Lake Victoria and Tanganyika.

The Forest Reserve is of miombo woodlands with various indigenous tree species. These include Combretum molle,Tamarindus indica, Terminalia sericea, Lannea humilis, Harrisonia abyssinica,Catunarega mspinosa, Combretum adenogonium, Lanchocarpus capasa, Faidherbia albida, Brachystegia spiciformis, Brachystegia boehmii, Amisophyllea pomifera and Pericopsis angolensis. Due to unsustainable utilization including encroachment for agricultural, human settlements, tree felling for charcoal, lumbering and firewood, cattle grazing and mining led to degradation of this reserve. In turn, the Government of Tanzania decided to establish a new forest plantation on the degraded parts of Forest Reserve. At the end, this forest plantation will have a mosaic form, whereby out of the total area of the Forest Reserve, 69,757 ha will be potential for plantation establishment. In terms of devepment, about 446 ha were planted with Pinus caribaea in 2017.

The plantation is about 51 km from Geita, and can be reached through Geita – Chato highway.



Plantation Manager,
Biharamulo Forest Plantation,
S.L.P. 471
Email: biharamulo@tfs.go.tz