Kuhusu Wakala

Roles and Functions


The Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) is an Executive Agency established under the Executive Agencies Act (Cap. 245 Revised Edition 2009) with the mandate of management of national forest and bee resources in a sustainable manner by ensuring sustainable supply of various forest and bee products and services, stable ecosystem and maintaining biological diversity.

Roles and Functions

  1. Establishing and managing national natural forest and bee reserves;
  2. Establishing and managing national forest plantations and apiaries;
  3. Managing forest and bee resources in general land;
  4. Enforcing Forest and Beekeeping legislation in areas of TFS jurisdiction;
  5. Providing forest and beekeeping extension services in areas of TFS jurisdiction;
  6. Developing TFS Human resources;
  7. Collecting Forestry and Beekeeping revenue;
  8. Safeguarding TFS Assets; and
  9. Marketing of forest and bee products and services.